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The Design of the Mind and Body Part 5

Your mind consists of hardware and software. This is an oversimplification, but it’ll work for our purposes. Hardware is the actual physical structure of the mind. It’s all of the various organic compounds that actually make up your brain. It includes all the wiring networks, or neural networks, that create your thinking and feeling states. In addition, there are chemical messengers called neurotransmitters that are important in creating your feeling states.

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Taking Care of the Hardware

In order for you to experience your best health, and to be able to have a healthy mind, you have to give the physical structure of your mind the right message. You have to take care of the hardware.

It’s important that you’re getting the right nutrients to support brain function. You must have all of the necessary substrates and co-factors to build the neurotransmitters that allow you to regulate mood and sleep. It’s crucial that all of the connecting nerves have the nutrients they need to be physically maintained. You have to have hydration, minerals, oxygen, and clean fuel for your mind to work properly. If your mind is lacking these key pieces, it cannot perform well for you.

Many individuals who come to see me with concerns of brain fog, fatigue, focus issues, mood changes, anxiety, sleep disturbances, and often physical symptoms such as pain, headaches, and gastrointestinal issues actually have neurotransmitter imbalances.

When the Hardware is Out of Balance

Many individuals who come to see me with concerns of brain fog, fatigue, focus issues, mood changes, anxiety, sleep disturbances, and often physical symptoms such as pain, headaches, and gastrointestinal issues actually have neurotransmitter imbalances. This means the actual chemical messengers are unbalanced in their brain. Many times they have deficiencies in certain neurotransmitters or excess levels of other ones. This can be the reason they’re feeling the way they are.

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If I simply gave them anti-depressants, that might briefly modulate the neurotransmitters and help them to feel better, but eventually, they’re still going to re-experience the same symptoms they started with. Medications can only modulate the neurotransmitters. They can’t create new neurotransmitters if you don’t have what’s necessary to build them.

Treating Hardware Imbalance

Using tests such as urinary neurotransmitter screening and salivary adrenal testing can help me to better understand the actual neurotransmitter balance of a patient. From there they can use targeted supplementation and lifestyle change to rebalance their neurotransmitters.

In addition, the salivary adrenal assessment allows us to see how the brain has been communicating with the rest of the body. Has the person been exposed to excessive chronic stress that has caused a downregulation of their adrenal system? Or perhaps their stress levels are causing an over-activity of their adrenal system. All of this can also result in disease and symptoms that affect how a person feels.

Excessive stress levels, the pursuit of pleasure rather than well-being, never resting, overexposure to technology, poor quality foods, lack of sleep, toxins, negative thinking loops, and many other environments end up corrupting the hardware, and then your brain cannot perform for you.

With this information, we can make adjustments to their nutrition and lifestyle, and use specific supplements to help improve the regulation of the adrenal system. We can provide the right messages for the mind to work well, and for the mind to communicate to the body effectively. This can make a substantial difference in how a person feels. It’s restoring the health of the brain and doing so by honoring its design.

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Doctor’s Conclusion

Our modern lifestyles typically dishonor the design of the brain. Excessive stress levels, the pursuit of pleasure rather than well-being, never resting, overexposure to technology, poor quality foods, lack of sleep, toxins, negative thinking loops, and many other environments end up corrupting the hardware, and then your brain cannot perform for you. This must be fixed if you want to perform well, we must treat it according to its design.

We’ll talk about the software programs in the next post.

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