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The Design of the Mind and Body Part 6

It’s important to understand that you can actually gain control of your thinking, feeling, and emotional states. You have the ability to master your own mind, and redirect thoughts, feelings, and emotions so you can improve your experience in life.

You’re the only one that can examine your thoughts and beliefs, observe your feelings and emotions, and begin to make the changes required for you to have a better life experience. But you can do this. I have resources that can teach you how. It’s simpler than you would think.

Retraining your brain and mastering your own mind is perhaps the most challenging quest a human can undertake. But it’s well worth it. The reward is immeasurable.

You’re the only one that can examine your thoughts and beliefs, observe your feelings and emotions, and begin to make the changes required for you to have a better life experience.

Content and healthy man

The Software of the Mind

Essentially, you have to think of your thoughts, feelings, and emotions as automated programs running on your computer. This is the software. Many of these programs you didn’t choose yourself. They were installed into your mind before you were making your own choices, or aware of what you really wanted.

These programs continue to run on their own, as they are habits of thought. These habits of thought, which are founded in habits of belief, create habits of emotion. Depression can actually be a habit. Anxiety is a habit. Your thinking and feeling states are automated programs that are running. You may often experience swings in your emotions and not understand why.

I know for some people, psychiatric conditions can be far more complex. They may have had brain trauma, genetic issues, or other factors that have influenced their software. I’m not suggesting that this will fix all issues for everyone.

Taking Care of the Software

To start to take control of your software, you must begin to examine the programs running in your mind. Why are you thinking the way you do? Why are you feeling the way you do? Where did this come from? Is it serving you? Is it helping you? Is it giving you a good experience of life? If it is not, then you should stop attending to it, and at the same time, attend to what will promote healthy thoughts.

Young woman listening to health podcast

Begin to redirect your brain to something like deep gratitude, creating a strong feeling state of thankfulness for the things that you do have that are good.

The emotions and feelings of well-being, such as joy, love, gratitude, peace, and many other very positive and powerful feeling states can be cultivated. You just have to practice them. You can practice gratitude on a regular basis. Every time you detect negative emotion, such as irritability, impatience, self-pity, anger, frustration, or melancholy, you can simply observe these states, recognize they’re not serving you, and let them go.

Begin to redirect your brain to something like deep gratitude, creating a strong feeling state of thankfulness for the things that you do have that are good. In doing this, you redirect the energy from the negative focus and place it on a positive one instead.

Do this over and over again. You essentially are uninstalling the bad software programs that are making you feel ill and installing the software programs that you’re choosing, that give you a better experience of life.

I’m giving you a simplified explanation, but this is treating your mind according to its design. It’s you waking up to who you are and what you want to experience. By becoming the master of your own thoughts, you can direct your own feelings and emotions.

Mindful woman changing thoughts

The Benefits of Good Software

Of course, you will occasionally have negative emotions, because life can be a struggle. But you won’t be controlled by these emotions. They won’t force you into behaviors that are unhealthy for you. You will be able to persist in the midst of uncomfortable emotions, rather than have to react or escape.

Of course, you will occasionally have negative emotions, because life can be a struggle. But you won’t be controlled by these emotions.

The vast majority of our unhealthy behaviors allow us to escape. We’re just trying to get away from our stress, our negative emotions, and how bad we feel. But we do it in a way that’s not sustainable. We do it in a way that provides the wrong information to our mind and body.

Only you can do this for yourself, but you can gain control of your own mind.

You can read interesting science and personal life stories about the importance of practicing gratitude here.

If you’re interested in learning more about the connection between the mind and body, order my book Authentic Health.