Over and over again, as I try and help people identify the sources for their negative symptoms and diseases, we come back to nutrition. Each time, I outline the evidence that their preferred foods are in fact disease-causing agents.
Their response is one of sadness.
They feel as though they’re going to have to give up the things they like. They feel that they ought to eat better, but they don’t really want to. They prefer the foods that are making them sick.
I don’t blame them for this. They’ve been exposed to these foods from the time they were little, and these foods were purposely designed to make us prefer them, to make us crave them. I’ve been through this myself, and I totally understand.
But think about this for a moment…
You visit the doctor. You feel sick. Perhaps you already have diagnosed diseases. And the doctor says, “We’ve found it. We’ve found what’s causing your problem, and if we eliminate it, you can become well.” Rather than rejoice, you feel as though you’re being punished. You’ve been seeking the answer, and here it is, but it turns out the answer is hard to face.
“Most people would actually rather live with a problem they cannot solve than embrace a solution they do not want.”
Do you want to solve these problems you’re having?
Do you want to feel good?
Do you want to stop being sick?
Do you want to eliminate diseases from your body?
If your answer is yes, then certain actions must follow.
Don’t think of these actions as punishments.
These are right-living based on right-thinking.
If you’re a non-smoker, you probably consider cigarettes toxic, noxious, addictive, and bad for your health. That would be correct thinking about cigarettes. It’s doubtful you’d try smoking, because you know how much potential harm there is in cigarettes. You would avoid them, and you would urge others to do the same.
These foods are no different.
“These nutritional stressors—processed foods, fast foods, junk foods, foods full of sugar and fake fats—are in fact the food version of cigarettes.”
They are bad for you. They cause diseases. They were engineered to be addictive. You crave them and can’t control your responses to them. They have no actual value for you. Just like cigarettes, all they do is trigger your reward system, give you a brief hit of dopamine, and make you feel a little better, but barely, and only for a moment.
They’re stealing from you. You have to reframe this in your mind. You have to see them for what they are. Saying, “My preference is to eat artificially dyed, sugar-filled cereals, served in a bowl of milk produced by a sick animal,” is fundamentally no different than saying, “I like to smoke.” Either way, you’re letting your supposed preferences drive disease-causing, energy-stealing choices.
Most of us have been unknowingly conditioned into this state by savvy marketers. When that’s the case, we’re only guilty of having been tricked. However, once we know we have to make choices. We have to decide what do we want. We have to understand our highest desires. If we decide to not embrace the challenge of changing our preferences, then we are choosing to remain sick. Who does that from a conscious level? Who chooses to be sick?
If that’s the point you’re at, then it’s hard for anyone to truly help you.
If someone is determined to honor their own preferences—even if they’re preferences they’ve been tricked into—above their health, who is going to help them become well? Is it the pharmaceutical industry? We know that doesn’t work. They will palliate your symptoms and slow down the velocity of your sickness so you can live longer sicker. But you’ll be taking expensive therapeutics that have their own adverse effects over time.
However, that seems easier than changing your habits, especially if the medications are covered by your insurance. Think about it. Food scientists that work for food companies give us bad food and tell us that they’ve proven that it’s just perfectly fine for us. Then we have a whole host of new diseases emerging in our population, including our children. Now the chemical scientists give us pharmaceuticals that palliate the diseases we’re afflicted with by the foods we eat. Neither of these industries has any real reason to reverse this trend. It’s not a conspiracy. They exist to make money, and they found a way to do it: give you the foods that make you sick, and then sell you the medications to treat the sickness.
You can change this. It is up to you. What do you want, and are you worth it? Are you worth the effort to experience your best health? Are you worth the effort to change your habits? To change your health? Are you worth it?
I believe you are.
I believe you have enormous potential inside you, and enormous potential to do good things in this world, and to serve others.
But you can’t do it if you’re chronically sick.
You’re going to have to trust me on this one. I’m not going to get into the specific debate about how food has changed. There are many evidence-based works out there that will help you with this, and I cite them on our website. I’m not going into rabbit holes to twist our minds around strawman arguments provided by scientific wizards whose income and stock options flourish if you accept their arguments and buy their goods.
We’re going to focus on the basics of what you need to do to become well. It will take desire, commitment, effort, courage, and the ability to endure discomfort to reach your goals. You will only succeed if you actually want to be well. This has to be your heart’s desire. If, after you’ve reviewed this, you actually realize that you value your preferences over your health, then you’re choosing to be sick. If you’re choosing to be sick, then we cannot help you.
I hope you, and everyone, will succeed. I hope we all become a strong voice for the best health of our country and future generations. If this were to happen, my medical practice would be far less busy, and perhaps I’ll have to learn how to grow a garden. If you’re tired of being sick, tired of fatigue and chronic depression, tired of others manipulating your habits, and you truly desire health and energy and purpose, then let’s get started together.