We’ve covered a lot of ground, including mindset, desire, habits, basic brain science, cravings, willpower, and pleasure versus well-being. If you’ve stuck with this, and thought through all of these posts, and have begun to apply the teachings, you’ll have made considerable progress in controlling your own mind and directing your thoughts.
It doesn’t happen overnight. You have to continue to practice this. This has to become your daily habit. You have to start your day with it and finish your day with it. It’s totally doable. I’ve experienced this myself, and I’ve watched others experience it.
“Once you have this, health won’t be an issue, because you’ll be strongly attached to your good health and your energy. You won’t give it away again.”
Once you have this, health won’t be an issue, because you’ll be strongly attached to your good health and your energy. You won’t give it away again. You’ll see through the charades that our modern marketplace has developed to keep us stuck in the matrix of their products and services and false comforts, and not experiencing our best health in real life. You’ll begin to see it for what it is and have the power to choose according to your desires.
You can live your best life with your best health, regardless of the context you find yourself in.
On this journey, it’s very important to continue all the tools you’ve learned, such as:
Letting go
Positive self-talk
All of these are very important. All of these will result in you arriving at a healthier state of being.
Doctor’s Conclusion
I hope this series of posts has been helpful. If it has, consider watching our upcoming video series on this topic. It will go into far more depth and give many illustrations and case studies. Also consider visiting me at and and on my Facebook page. Join our healthy and vibrant community. Come on board with the cause of your personal, and our collective, best health. It’s so important.
Finally, do this: Remember, knowledge is not power. Only applied knowledge is power. This will not become powerful for you unless you actually begin to apply it. You must do this in the end, and if you do, the reward is well worth it.
Thank you for your consideration of these teachings. May you experience your best health.
If you’re interested in personalized healthcare, you’re exactly where you’re meant to be. Please enjoy the free resources available to you. For those deeply curious about their most authentic health, I also recommend my book, Authentic Health.