It’s important to understand that willpower is a trainable skill, not a character trait. Everybody can cultivate willpower. Some are better than others based on genetic factors or nurturing. But everyone can develop it. You just have to want to do it.
Principles of Willpower
Your willpower is housed in what I often refer to as your higher mind. It’s an area of the brain responsible for many functions. One of those is helping you make decisions best aligned with what you truly want for yourself. This area of your mind is a heavy processing center. It requires a lot of energy to work properly.
It’s important to understand that one of the fundamental principles of having a healthy mind and cultivating higher processing skills such as willpower is that you have to provide your mind with the right energy. You must introduce the right nutrients and avoid the toxins, substances, and nutritional stressors that negatively impact the function of your mind.
Your brain requires a lot of energy to function well, and the type of processing I’m talking about requires even more. It’s very important that you support your good energy through the right approach to nutrition by getting adequate sleep and managing stress properly. You can read our book, Authentic Health, visit, or browse our other blogs to better understand these overall health attributes.
“It’s important to understand that one of the fundamental principles of having a healthy mind and cultivating higher processing skills such as willpower is that you have to provide your mind with the right energy.”
Health is Holistic
Understanding that every aspect of health is holistic is important. If you don’t have the right nutrients, and you expose yourself to pro-inflammatory substances, you’ll struggle with your willpower. It’s all holistic in the end. That’s why every bit of this matters.
I’m stressing this point because it’s really important. We’re trying to develop your mind in such a way that it functions at its highest level, and that you are in control of it. We’re trying to give you the owner’s manual for your mind. In order for it to work well for you, you have to take care of it properly.
For this week, I want you to stop and think about your overall habits. Are they supporting good brain functions and helping you become a better thinker? Are they helping you get the kind of rest you need so you can focus on what you need to focus on? If not, ask yourself why. Ask yourself why you continue to engage in habits that are taking your health from you. Start thinking about how to improve your nutrient intake and reduce your exposure to harmful substances.
“It’s very important that you support your good energy through the right approach to nutrition by getting adequate sleep and managing stress properly.”
Again, for more information about that, we have plenty of resources. In our next post, we’ll discuss aspects of willpower development.
I am on a mission to deliver personalized and compassionate healthcare. Follow me on Facebook. Want to ask a question? I’d love to hear from you. Feel free to contact me.