All right, we’ve been getting kind of deep in the last couple of blogs. I’m going to give a more general post this week about how to transform your habits. I think, if you’ve been paying close attention, you’ll realize that what I’ve been saying is the vast majority of things that you’re choosing and doing on a daily basis are not made in a conscious way. Most of what we do on any given day is based on our conditioning patterns, on what we’ve always done. Essentially, we will continue to do the same things every day, unless we bring our conscious awareness into these areas.
Choices Can be Hard
The brain likes to conserve energy when it can. It will make any repetitive pattern automatic. You’ll no longer have to think about it; you’ll just do it. Many companies selling us goods and services are taking advantage of that. They’re seeing to it that the forms of advertising, and the services provided, trigger our reward system in such a way that we get a brief blip of pleasure that makes us want to experience whatever it was all over again. What’s it’s really doing is manipulating us.
Our brain isn’t designed for a marketplace created to artificially produce pleasure. But it’s beyond the scope of this series to get into the science of this, but if you’re interested, our video series explains this. And most people find that very helpful for them.
“The vast majority of companies selling us our foods, our entertainment, our drugs, and other escape behaviors know perfectly well what they’re doing to us.”
I’m not saying all companies are producing goods and services that are creating this phenomenon, but many are. The vast majority of companies selling us our foods, our entertainment, our drugs, and other escape behaviors know perfectly well what they’re doing to us. They’re profiting off of our sickness. We must reject this.
We Can Learn to Make Better Choices
Ultimately, you have to stop and recognize that so much of what you’ve been doing hasn’t been based on your own choice. Sure, you were choosing it, but you never stepped outside of yourself and examined why. You never considered, “Where did this action come from, and why do I do what I do?” By repeating what you’ve done before, you strengthen the same neural circuits that basically automate the behavior.
“Do you want to move forward and become the crusader for your own healthy destiny? No one else can do it for you.”
The American marketplace is waiting to cash in on you continuing to do the same things, so you’re up against some powerful forces. Only you can free yourself from this. And you can. That’s the good news. You can set yourself free to live your best health, to automate healthy habits, and to ignore the manipulate approach of the modern marketplace.
Up until now, maybe you’ve never known or understood this. You should feel no guilt about whatever has happened in the past. However, now it’s time to choose. Do you want to move forward and become the crusader for your own healthy destiny? No one else can do it for you.
Do you want to become the director of your own thought life, so that you get to determine your behaviors? Only you can do this.
You could either embrace this challenge and begin to cultivate the thought life and the beliefs that will take you where you want to go, and you can experience all the blessedness of great health regardless of the context you’re in, or you can turn back and stay where you are.
“You can set yourself free to live your best health, to automate healthy habits, and to ignore the manipulate approach of the modern marketplace.”
But if where you are is in poor health, then it will only get worse. You’ll then be consciously choosing to be sick.
The Journey to Healthy Choices
It’s okay to take your time on this journey. One day at a time, one step at a time, practicing self-forgiveness all along the way. But everyone has to take this journey and that’s what we’re about at Health Shepherds.
So take time this week to think about what you really want.
Do you want to be well? Because if you do, you’re going to have to make new choices. You’re going to have to become self-aware. You’ll need to move forward with that strong desire to be well.
If you make this choice and journey with us, I promise you will begin to experience better health. You’ll never regret it.
Please join us. We need you.
I understand the importance of integrated healthcare. If you have questions about a more personalized approach to your well-being, contact me. You also can like me on Facebook.