You’ve become intentional about your health, and you’re cultivating the right desires.
Okay, now we’re getting somewhere…
Have you practiced the positive visualization exercise? Have you written down your heart’s desires? Have you been reminding yourself of these daily to imprint them deep into your mind?
I hope so. If so, congratulations! You’re on your way.
Take A Beat and Breathe
“This is permanent, effective, and authentic change. We’re allowing our body and mind to become its healthiest version.”
For this post, we’re going to pause and reflect. I’m not trying to stall out your progress. It’s just that this particular stage we’ve reached is important. I want us to stay here briefly.
This is a long-term journey.
This is not the Six Weeks Body Transformation program.
This is not the Retrain Your Brain in 2 Weeks (which can’t be done, by the way).
This is permanent, effective, and authentic change. We’re allowing our body and mind to become its healthiest version. It takes time and patience, so let’s listen to our body’s wisdom and breathe into this new space.
“Understanding what you want for yourself, and then imprinting it into your mind, is necessary for it to be effective.”
Things to Remember While You’re on This Journey
Understanding what you want for yourself, and then imprinting it into your mind, is necessary for it to be effective. Remember to:
Focus on what you want,
Think about your heart’s desires,
Practice the positive visualization exercise, and
Strengthen your resolve and commitment to good health.
Has Your Journey to Authentic Health Started?
If it hasn’t, then how about starting now? The rest of the “Transforming Your Habits to Transform Your Health” series is based on you having a strong desire for your best health, for you knowing where you’re trying to go. If you’re coming to the series a little late, simply go back, and start at the beginning. You’ll quickly catch up.
Next we move forward with our understanding of how to transform your health.
I understand the importance of integrated healthcare. If you have questions about a more personalized approach to your well-being, contact me. You also can like me on Facebook.