It’s important to understand how change happens.
One of the first principles is that it must be necessary.
That might sound counterintuitive, but think about it. All change happens because of necessity. We have the capacity to affect change through positive and negative influences in our lives. If we align our heart’s desire with positive change, good health will follow.
What Are the Two Types of Necessity for Change?
““We don’t want to wait until we’re so sick that we have no choice but to change. We want to choose from a place of strength, a place where our heart’s desire resides.””
You can have two different types of necessity—positive or negative. Negative necessity is experiencing such bad health that you feel terrible all the time. Does this sound familiar?
Your professional life is at a breaking point.
Engaging with family members is difficult.
You’re chronically sick.
You’re sleeping too much or not enough.
Things must change. YOU must change.
Positive necessity involves a deep appreciation for your life and your health. When you feel that every day you have important things to accomplish, whether that be in your role as a family member, community member, or your professional life, you will be strongly connected to your health. You will want to have all of the potential energy inside of you available for your use. Any time something affects your health, you’ll quickly detect it and make appropriate adjustments because you’re accustomed to feeling good. This is the kind of positive necessity we have to stoke. We don’t want to wait until we’re so sick that we have no choice but to change. We want to choose from a place of strength, a place where our heart’s desire resides.
How Important Is Your Heart’s Desire?
Throughout this Transforming Your Habits to Transform Your Health series, I’ll be talking about different concepts, such as your mindset and your willpower. These are important tools you can use to become your healthiest self.
However, the most essential element is your heart’s desire.
You must truly want your best health. You must be after it with everything you have, because you want what it will afford you, such as:
Purposeful engagement
I hope you’ll agree with me that this is highly valuable and worth pursuing. It doesn’t matter the context for your health. You may have a serious disease that you’re dealing with that was the result of circumstances beyond your control. What I’m talking about is feeling your best and optimizing your current health.
You could always use more energy.
You could always be feeling better.
That’s what we’re talking about.
““If your heart’s desire is to be healthy, you will continue to do whatever is necessary to experience your best health.””
We want you to cultivate an intense desire for your health. Any quest involves challenges, both internal and external. We’re going to talk about that in a future blog. Many of these challenges you can overcome by sheer willpower, but eventually, the energy of willpower runs out, and you come across a challenge that requires more from you.
When that occurs, your heart’s desire will see you through. If your heart’s desire is to be healthy, you will continue to do whatever is necessary to experience your best health. In the next blog, I’m going to introduce to you a simple visualization exercise that can help you cultivate that desire for your best health. Remember, only you can want this. Only you can desire your best health. There are actions you must take.
Do you have questions about a personalized approach to your well-being? Contact me and like me on Facebook. Want a deeper understanding? Read more in Authentic Health.